To come to the realisation that you are not alone and there are many people out there who have been where you are and who are now living their life free from active addiction can offer some comfort and show you there is a way out.
The Dynamo Project fully believes that to reach individuals who believe they’re all alone and that no-one cares about the situation they find themselves in, that we must move away from the world of anonymity and get their stories heard and to try and give people the strength they need to reach out and ask for the help that can save their lives. We fully appreciate that not every person in recovery from addiction issues wants their stories heard and that remaining anonymous is what’s best for them and we totally respect that. However there are those who are prepared to speak openly about their struggles and more importantly how they overcome these daily.
Each story told is from someone who has a history of drugs and/or alcohol abuse and who have managed to turn their lives around and can now see a positive future.
If you can relate to anything you see or hear in any of our stories, reach out to us and let us try to help and support you the best we can. Please do not hesitate in making that first contact as that is such an important first step in your recovery journey.